Assam: Kaziranga National Park in Assam takes steps to help animals survive the harsh winter. | Media Pyro


With winter about to knock at the door, the management of the Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation Center (CWRC) in Kaziranga National Park in Assam has taken steps to help the animals survive the harsh winter. The authorities have installed a heater, they have also prepared blankets to cover the animals, and they have also prepared the way for the animals.

The Kaziranga Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation Center (CWRC) has provided blankets to keep two baby elephants warm during the winter. There are two young elephants at the Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation Center (CWRC), Kaziranga. The authorities have provided blankets to protect the baby elephants during the winter.

Dr Samshul Ali, a veterinarian at CWRC, Kaziranga said that they have taken appropriate measures to take care of CWRC animals during the winter season. “Since winter is coming, we have to be very careful with CWRC’s animals, especially the elephants. We usually used grass, especially the elephants, to cover us. We used blankets during the winter. In addition, we had . to take care of the birds, so we have set up an ICU where we can control the temperature, we have six elephants, two rhinos, one buffalo, a tiger and some birds,” said Dr Samshul Ali. (ANI)

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and has been pulled directly from an aggregated feed.)


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