DCS received several complaints about the Phoenix group’s home before the fatal shooting | Media Pyro


Phoenix (3TV/CBS 5) — Complaints from the Department of Child Safety for the North Star Independent Living Services group home over the past two years show a troubling trend. Arizona’s family requested the records when an 18-year-old former resident was shot and killed in December. The Department of Child Safety oversees the private Phoenix group home near 19th Avenue and Hatcher Road.

The complaints paint a picture for the teenagers who live there and the staff who work there. “It’s hard,” Trumisha Benn said. Ben’s brother, T’Revance Sales, is the 18-year-old killed in the North Star. “He loved to make jokes, he was always outgoing,” Ben said.

Weeks later, Arizona’s family spoke with a former North Star employee who claimed the shooting was part of a larger problem. In an oversight, state lawmakers questioned DCS Director Mike Faust about the home. He admitted that three days before the shooting, an officer found nine guns and drugs and called police. But he confirmed that no one had been charged or detained there.

“He wanted out of the group home,” Ben said. North Star helps adolescent boys ages 16 to 20 transition out of the foster care system. They have their own rooms and can come and go as they please.

North Star had several complaints, according to DCS records. DCS placed the home on a corrective action plan in May after a review found only 1 to 2 employees out of 39 clients. The ratio is calculated as 1 for every 10 people. In June, the facility hired seven new employees, records show.

Even after that, they received a worrying letter. Then, in September, group home residents were found to be using drugs on campus; A teenager binged twice a week. Another concern in DCS documents is that staff did not stop residents from smuggling weapons, firearms and drugs into the facility. “They should have done a better check on everyone,” Ben said.

In response to questions from Arizona’s family, a spokesperson wrote: “North Star is in full compliance with all DCS regulations.”

DCS declined our interview request. However, in a statement, they write, “We are committed to and continue to work with North Star, law enforcement and the community to address any areas of continued concern.”

The City of Phoenix’s Planning and Development Department determined in mid-September that North Star did not have an appropriate use permit. However, the city said a handicap accommodation request for property owners is under review and could help resolve the issue.


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