Arizona Republicans could pursue a legal battle for a handful of Phoenix County elections, the Attorney General said. | Media Pyro


With Arizona’s primary races still undecided, a major legal battle is brewing over a limited number of votes that could end up playing a major role in deciding some of the state’s most important elections (and country), including the US Senate, governor. and the secretary of state.

The controversy arose on Tuesday because of a number of elections across Maricopa County – home to Phoenix and most of Arizona’s population – there are many typographical errors: Black people were not very disappointed in some of the votes, because the ballot tables did not read the black people correctly and the votes were thrown out without being counted.

Voters who had trouble printing the problem had an option. They can deposit their uncounted ballots in a secure box attached to the tables, to be collected and counted at a processing facility later; some 17,000 votes were placed in these boxes, called “Box 3,” according to the council. Or they can “look out” of their polling place, leave, and try another polling place where the tabulators will have better luck reading scattered ballots. But Arizona Republicans have it takes years to spread lies of voter fraud in Maricopa County, particularly the misuse of drop boxes, led some voters to try their luck at another polling place. In Arizona, voters aren’t assigned a single polling place, they have multiple choices within their precinct.

Here’s the rub: In an non-judgmental On Sunday afternoon, as the election lasted for three hours, the Republican Party and some candidates said that some poll workers did not want to “check” the voters who were supposed to try. at a different polling station. As a result, when they arrived at the second polling place, it is alleged, “these people voted in the e-ballots as they had already voted, and (a) they should have voted by use provisional ballots that are not counted, (b) do not allow for regular ballots or wild ballots.”

Maricopa County has a total of 7,000 provisional ballots – fewer than those cast in 2020, VoteBeat’s Jen Fifield reports. But Republicans could pursue legal action if the margin is narrower in a key race, saying that many voters are affected by the “lookout” issue that could change the outcome. vote, a Republican lawyer said.

“We are working with the council to determine how many votes are in this bucket, and if it affects the results of the election, we will go back to court and make sure it is properly administered.” those voters,” Kory Langhofer, a lawyer for Republican Blake Masters’ Senate campaign, told HuffPost.

“If it has any impact on the results of the election, we will go back to court and ensure that those voters are treated fairly.”

– Kory Langhofer, attorney for Republican Blake Masters’ Senate campaign

It’s always there hundreds of thousands of votes left to be counted in Maricopa County – a dispute over early voting ends up being a contentious issue. The court docket now shows an official hearing for next Wednesday, Capitol Media Services first reported. Langhofer said the lawsuit will concern how to proceed with the legal challenge — that is, “requesting a ruling on provisional elections that occur because voters are not ‘checked’.”

It is also unclear how many of the 7,000 polls were affected by the printing error and subsequent confusion over “verification”. That’s part of the problem.

“Comparing the numbers in the polls where voters participated, but left unvoted and not ‘checked’ is hard to reconcile,” said Tammy Patrick, senior consultant. about elections at the Democracy Fund and a former election official in Maricopa County. “There is no way for a voter whose voting record has been checked to challenge that and have their score counted.”

In a hearing Tuesday on the GOP’s effort to extend voting hours, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Tim Ryan denied the GOP’s request, speaking“There is no evidence from the court that any voter was denied their right to vote.”

Thomas P. Liddy, head of the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, also told HuffPost in an email, “We are not suggesting that any voter participate in any election, chose not to vote and left the election without inspection. out.”

Liddy said this scenario is possible but unlikely.

“All election workers were well trained,” he said. “They know how to check the voters’ in the inspection, but then they decide not to vote. The part of the training class is in the training book that was kept at the polling place.”

But Langhofer pointed to signature messages from voters that he says are different.

“The examiner was confused and didn’t understand the meaning of my ‘Look’ or ‘Look,'” Another said they saw voters asking for their ballots to be tampered with so they could vote elsewhere, but those people “weren’t taught to ‘look.'” Two voters, Nancy and Bill Mason, said they weren’t taught to “look. “At their first polling places after running into duplicate problems, and they could not cast votes in a second place. In the end, they said they could only vote using administrative votes.

“These people need to go to jail for what they’re doing,” Bill Mason told HuffPost, adding that he was escorted by police from the first polling place “because I’m not leaving, and I kept saying, ‘The election is rigged. , that’s how you melt!'”

“I’m not going to go, and I said, ‘The election is leased, why did you lease it!'”

– Bill Mason, Maricopa County Delegate elected on the ballot

The scenario is simple: If these voters had trusted Maricopa County to count their ballots accurately, they might have simply chosen to submit their ballots in “Box 3” to be counted by people in the center. But voters who were told by Republican disinformation didn’t trust that effort.

“I don’t trust it to go through the box, the box may not turn there!” a woman was heard saying In an early video taken at the polling place with duplicate errors. “That happens all the time.”

Langhofer — who representative The Arizona Senate Arizona during the inspection “of the analysis” of Aricopa County of the 2020 election results 2020, and representative the Trump’s campaign In Arizona before that – it was protected by voters who might not trust state elections.

“Some voters have heard about all the concerns in the election process, and want to watch their votes get into the table,” he said.

Liddy, the Maricopa County attorney, pointed out that all voters have the opportunity to submit their ballots in “Box 3” if they are concerned about issues. What’s more, he said, Many votes were cast in all the elections.

“The election provided an ‘opportunity to vote’ – that is the legal standard. The answer is YES,” he said. “Also, all information provided by the RNC is signed by the person who vote.”

Mason, for his part, said he wants his vote tabulated “at that time,” citing concerns about Maricopa County’s election process. He pointed to MyPillow’s CEO, Mike Lindell, who has spent years spreading lies about voter fraud, to explain why he didn’t want to let the his vote in a safe box at his first polling place will be counted later in the main table area.

“When it’s thrown in the box, that’s how the vote is fixed,” he said. “We don’t know where those votes are going or who’s counting them.”


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