Harvard Law School Center on Legal Practice | Media Pyro


The Center for the Legal Profession is a research organization dedicated to providing greater understanding of the rapidly changing global legal profession.


Led by scholars and practitioners from a variety of fields – including law, sociology, business, psychology, organizational behavior, economics, and engineering – the Center’s research is challenging for the industry. law, and is often defined by its separate approach. Our network of researchers from all over the world provides in-depth knowledge and access to insights and data for the legal profession. Well, the Center’s facility at Harvard Law School provides great access to the very latest ideas from the university.

Great Book of Legal Practice

Over the past 15 years, he has published more than 70 journal articles and 15 major books on the legal profession.

The Center’s research is in the field, using quantitative and qualitative methods, including surveys, focus groups, interviews, and field experiments. Yes, because the University is a university, unlike other types of institutions, all of our research must be held to the highest standards of impartiality. We see this as very powerful. Using academic research methods, we ensure that all the knowledge we produce is unbiased, relevant, and has the potential to create a better legal profession.

The Center conducts research across six strategic pillars:

The world – The evolution of the legal profession around the world.
Activities and Diversity – How the legal profession is different, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the profession.
New Markets and Law – How changes in regulatory, technological, and market forces affect the provision of legal services.
Act of Law – How professionalism, collaboration, and new models of organizational behavior influence the practice of law.
Legal Education – How to prepare students and experts for the rapidly changing legal profession.
Access to Justice – How to deliver legal services to minority populations.


Through the Center’s Academic Fellowship Program, we strive to prepare the next generation of legal professionals. Every year, the Center welcomes some of the young academic talents who conduct research for the industry. Our fellows are an important part of our academic community as they live in our new research lab. Fellows have researched topics such as the professional identity of lawyers, legislative change and its impact on access to justice, lawyers in politics, and leadership in the profession. Our friends have achieved faculty positions at major universities in the United States, India, Korea, and Canada.

The Center also runs a Senior Program involving experienced and skilled professionals. These seniors play an important role in the work of the Center, including participating in research projects, teaching law students and staff, and connecting the Center to important developments around the world.

The Center is at the forefront of developing new industry-leading courses for law students. These courses bring our research directly into the classroom, helping to train the next generation of legal leaders. A recent course that featured the Center’s research and what was taught by CLP faculty and fellows was Challenges of the General Counsel, Law 2.0: The Impact of Technology on the Legal Profession , Legal Practice, Board of Directors and Corporate Governance, International : Business, Legal and Public Policy Issues, and Problem Solving Workshop.

Over the past 12 years, the Center has hosted 20 research fellows from around the world

We maintain a strong relationship with HLS Executive Education, which was first launched by the Center in 2007, with the aim of providing training for lawyers in their profession. The Center’s research is reflected in HLS Executive Education courses for leadership in business including Leadership in Law Firms and Leadership in Corporate Counsel. The teachers and fellows of the center are key members of the teaching faculty of these programs.

The Center also has a strong partnership with the HLS Case Development Initiative, first launched by CLP in 2009. The Case Development Initiative develops business school-based cases for lawyers and law firms, and projects such as leadership, innovation, compensation, professional development. , strategic, and international.

Learning and Collaboration Space

The Center has developed a new, collaboration-focused classroom and teaching space equipped with a Hybrid Studio Learning Space, 15 Microsoft Surface Hubs and more than 100 Surface Pros.

The bridge

Through our major conferences, we bring our research and teaching directly to leading scholars, practitioners, and policy makers.

Our events bring together hundreds of thought leaders and provide opportunities to create meaningful conversations about the biggest challenges facing the legal profession. These events allow us to showcase the Center’s research and give our researchers the opportunity to learn from what we learn every day — practicing lawyers. This exchange of knowledge reflects the uniqueness of our events and the importance of all activities. Over the past ten years, we have hosted major events on topics including, Professionalism in the 21st Century, Disruptive Innovation in the Market for Legal Services, The Future of Legal Education, and The Indian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalizationabove.

Since 2008, the Center has organized more than 45 conferences and seminars in 10 countries and 5 countries.

In addition to holding large conferences, the Center also hosts conferences and other smaller events, bringing together groups of lawyers, experts, policy makers and thought leaders to engage in in-depth, workshop-style discussions. These statements, supported by the Center’s research, exemplify the importance of a deep relationship between the university and legal experts and demonstrate the unique role that the academic research center can play in understanding the significant changes are taking place in the international legal profession. Recent topics include Innovation Management, Collaboration and Partnerships, and Women as Lawyers and Leaders.

Anniversary Dinners

Since 2014, CLP has hosted a major awards dinner where it brings together members of the legal community to honor those who have contributed to building a stronger legal profession. The Center’s research is the heart of our dinners — research that underpins the events of the conference and is essential to the lives of our leaders.

Finally, the House publishes Thand Practice, a unique digital magazine that captures the latest research on the global legal profession, and provides access to the hard-working workforce. Each issue of The Practice contains an in-depth examination of a key topic and original research on that topic as well as insights from thought leaders in and around the legal profession. Some of our popular topics have focused on Professionalism in the 21st Century, Why Law Firms Fail, Strategies in Law, The Rise of the Big Four, Lawyers and Politics, and appearance and fitness. All of this is delivered to busy employees through an innovative, easy-to-use digital platform.


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