Assam Rifles dedicates School to Hearing Impaired Children | Media Pyro


The Aizawl Battalion of 23 Sector Assam Rifles, under the Inspector General Assam Rifles (East) on Monday, dedicated a school for hearing impaired children at Kulikawn in Aizawl. Besides, the paramilitary forces have also dedicated two Toilet Blocks built in the building of Ephatha Society of Mizoram.

Brigadier Digvijay Singh, SM, Commandant, Headquarters 23 Sector Assam Rifles, inaugurated the infrastructure.

Continuing its efforts towards helping the needy as a part of the ongoing Assam Rifles Project Programme, the construction of two sets of toilets has been undertaken as an ‘elimination of open defecation’ from the Government of India.

The inauguration of this army was attended by approximately 77 soldiers from the Ashahad forces and 100 civilians.

However, the private school was built in 2016 by Ephatha Society of Mizoram, an NGO founded in 2012. The school currently has 16 students and five teachers.

The staff of the school said that they mostly get donations from the Synod Church, and individuals who recently received a sum of 2 lakhs under the economic development program (current government banner).


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