Acer Expands Therapies for Disorders | Media Pyro


Acer Therapeutics Inc. reported (NASDAQ: ACER) shares rebounded on Wednesday. The company, a pharmaceutical company focused on discovering, developing and commercializing therapies for serious, rare and life-threatening diseases with significant unmet medical needs, today announced the expansion of ACER-801 (osanetant) in its indication new, for the reduction. on the incidence and severity of acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Acute stress disorder refers to the body’s immediate response to trauma, whereas PTSD is defined as the long-term effects of trauma.

Studies conducted at Emory University examined thousands of genes that were activated in the brains of mice after fear conditioning events. The top gene identified was Tac2, which is responsible for the production of the peptide, Neurokinin B (NKB), in mice. The researchers showed that the Tac2 gene, expressed by neurons specifically within the amygdala, is required for the modulation of fear memories, and that NKB, and its specific receptor, NK3R, are also involved in the consolidation of fear memories. By administering the potent and specific NK3R antagonist, osanetant, they were able to block fear memory consolidation shortly after exposure to trauma, potentially providing a new therapeutic approach to disorders with altered fear learning such as PTSD .1

“Immediately – sometimes to a few days – after trauma exposure, the memory remains in a labile state, known as the memory consolidation period, and fear memory consolidation after trauma exposure may hinder the frequency and severity of PTSD in trauma patients reduce,” said Kerry Ressler, MD, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer

ACER shares lost three cents, or 2.1%, to $1.42


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