7 facts about online privacy and security that may surprise you | Media Pyro


If you follow cybersecurity, you probably know how dynamic this landscape is. There are a lot of moving pieces and it’s impossible to see the whole picture unless you’re an expert in your cybersecurity niche with years of experience.

The field can even seem boring if you don’t have a vested interest. However, some pretty exciting developments will blow your mind, even if you can’t fully understand the importance of your data. Here are seven facts about online privacy and security that may surprise you.

Identity theft is the most common problem

Hackers are looking for your personal data. They may use your sensitive data to identify you. According to Cifas statistics, in 2021 there will be a 22% increase in identity fraud in the UK. Thus, this trend indicates that more users should be aware of this alarming crime.

What do hackers do with all this data? Could they use it to wreak havoc in your life? So they can.

Looks like hackers are after your money. Once they get hold of your sensitive data, there’s a good chance they’ll use it to make fraudulent payments on your credit and debit cards.

Email is a favorite channel for hackers to introduce malware

There are several ways hackers can infect your devices with malware. Malware can allow them to gain control of your device, download your data, or see what you do online, including your passwords. However, one channel is the most attractive to hackers.

More than 90% of malware infections are the result of clicking on a link in a phishing email. Hackers are able to impersonate companies and trusted people and use the trust of online users to get them to click on links sent by e-mail. By using proven email security solutions, you can easily avoid falling victim to such scams.

Did you know that the first “hackers” got away with it?

Every criminal’s dream is to get away with it. It seems that the first “hackers” managed to do this very easily. The crime happened long before the Internet.

In 1864, the Blanc brothers bribed a telegraph operator to steal financial market data from the French telegraph system. It took the authorities two years to discover this classic data theft, but the Blank brothers got away because there was no “data theft” law at the time.

Every 1 in 10 people read the privacy policy

Many laws and regulations govern how websites and online companies collect and use consumer data. The law requires website and online business owners to develop a privacy policy that consumers can access at any time. The policy describes the company’s methods of recording, storing and using data.

Some online companies may sell your data to private companies if they disclose this in their privacy policy and accept the terms. However, the same survey found that only 9% of people in the US read the privacy policy before accepting the terms.

Almost 70% of Internet users are not satisfied with cybersecurity laws

We’ve had several major cybersecurity and data privacy laws in recent years. The two main ones are the EU GDPR and the California CPA. However, online users are not happy about these laws. They are mostly concerned with the implementation of cybersecurity laws.

68% of online users now believe that governments will not be able to fully implement these laws. They believe that their online data and privacy are still exposed to risks such as data leakage and theft.

Almost 2,000 people become victims of cyberattacks every minute

The number of people who become victims of cyber attacks every minute is amazing. Every minute we have 1,861 new victims of cyber attacks. From a financial perspective, cybercrime causes more than $1,000,000 in damages every minute, and one cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds.

When it comes to hackers’ favorite business targets, small businesses lead the way with 65,000 cyberattacks every day. Now is the best time for small businesses to implement better security practices.

People are becoming more and more aware of online security

The best way to eliminate cyber security risk is to increase awareness of online security and cyber threats. Thousands of blog articles and YT videos are starting to produce results. People are becoming more and more aware of online security.

One of the key principles of digital security and privacy is using the right tools. For example, a VPN for Windows devices at home has become essential. This helps protect against IP-based tracking and prevents spies from eavesdropping on Internet activity. Also, it’s convenient if you like to connect to free Wi-Fi. The latter has many dangers, and virtual private networks on smartphones and laptops protect you from most of them.


As you can see, the field of online privacy and security can offer some interesting facts to the average internet user. Several things can be determined from these facts and statistics. The best thing you can do for yourself is to read this privacy policy and use more restrictive privacy settings in your browsers and frequently used applications.


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Media Pyro is a site giving interesting facts about acer brand products. We also Provide information about your online Privacy Laws.

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